
Cuando tu vida es el mensaje


Life with a profetic destiny is seen in those people who are willing to go through the different processes without losing sight of the purpose.

No matter how hard it may be, God will get you to the end of the road and you will see His glory.


Extiende tus limites

This book will help you to understand the spiritual, emotional and physical prisons that hold and make many people go backwards in their lives. It's an essential material for those who look for healing.



This book will help you to understand the spiritual, emotional and physical prisons that hold and make many people go backwards in their lives. It is directed especially to those who cry out to God saying: "Take me soul out of prison, that I may praise your name".


Secretos bien guardados

This book was born out of the need to have tools for the work we realize with victims of domestic violence and abuse.



Graciela Giménez, originally from Mar de Plata, Argentina, mother of 3 children and grandmother of 2 granddaughters. Graduated from the Instituto Bíblico Rio de la Plata (Rio de la Plata Bible School). Master's degree in Social Psychology, a Diploma in International Human Rights Protection; a Diploma in government management for early childhood and the family UCA. Diploma in International Protection of Women's Human Rights from the Austral University. Currently serving as: – Founder of the MUJERESXLANACION (Women for the Nation) association, since 2001. – Director of the Sendas de Justicia Home (Hogar Sendas de Justicia), since 2017. – Director of the La Escuela De Operadores Sociales (School of Social Workers), since 2017. She works permanently with an interdisciplinary group of professionals in the care of victims of sexual abuse, domestic violence and families in crisis, since 2000. In the pastoral field, Graciela is forming a network of pastors with a comprehensive view of the social and spiritual issues of this time, opening the Pastoral Training school, with training in biblical, PSYCHO-PASTORAL and social matters, in person and through the web, exercising the Pastoral Ministry since 1981. Since 2016, she also works as pastor at "Somos Iglesia" church in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Author of - LOS SECRETOS BIEN GUARDADOS (Well Kept Secrets), a material to work on domestic violence and sexual abuse of children, Editorial Mujeresxlanacion, 6th edición - PRISIONES (Prisons), how to be free from emotional, spiritual and physical bondages, Ediciones Aljaba 2009, 9th edition - EXTIENDE TUS LÍMITES (Extend Your Limits), how to develop the potential in us, Ediciones Aljaba 2011. - PROCESADOS (Processed), when life is the message; addressing God's processes in people's lives, Editorial Mujeresxlanacion, 2017 - Coming soon: DE VÍCTIMAS A PROTAGONISTAS (From Victims to Protagonists), 2022 Speaker in more than 21 countries. In the area of ​​institutional reinforcement, other NGOs are helped to train and develop programs in coordination with each place's government. 
